Our Program
Utilizing the Bible as our guide for understanding the characteristics and attributes of a "real" man, we teach and model 10 Biblical virtues of authentic godly manhood: Faith, Character, Integrity, Strength, Courage, Honesty, Self-Control, Responsibility, Accountability, and Impact.

Patterned loosely after the medieval imagery of the knight - brave, honorable and committed to the King's purposes - each new participant moves through a series of stages (rites of passage) adding significance to his one year journey toward Christian Knighthood - from Squire Candidate, to Squire, to Knight Candidate, and eventually, if successful, to Knight.

Our program is designed to be delivered through a weekly meeting format wherein participants meet with a group of committed Christian men (Noblemen) in highly interactive and energetic manhood training sessions called "Round Tables".

While the program can provide a significant experience in just the first year, it is designed to build upon the 1st year's foundation, offering additional years of character-based training as well as practical life preparation lessons.

Manhood Mountain Retreat weekends are an essential part of the Boyz N2 Men experience. These weekends away with leaders are a culmination of all that has been taught throughout the year.
Boyz N2 Men!
A Life-Changing Manhood Training/ Rite of Passage Program
for Middle and High School Boys
© 2010 N2Generational Rite of Passage Initiative, Inc. All Rights Reserved